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A Message from Sunny 

Death is nothing else but going home to God,
the bond of love will be unbroken for all eternity.

Mother Teresa

Truth is often stranger than fiction, and had someone told me 10 years ago, that I would be writing and talking about my ongoing relationship with a dead guy, I would have never believed it. My story starts with Shalom my Love, and continues with Drops of Magic. If there is one thing that I am sure about today it's this: There is no death. And our loved ones on the other side are ready to come to us.  All we have to do is ask. And they will come: through dreams, sudden insights, a song on the radio or a sunset. You can sit down with a notebook and ask them questions. And allow the answers come through your pen. And they will!  Happy trails!

Click here for Sunny's message about the Heart Empowerment Event in the UK.

Shalom my Love

by Sunny Ariel

Shalom my Love, is a moving, funny and wise account of the power of love to transcend time and space. When the author's lover, Gadi, is killed in a helicopter crash, the grieving woman begins receiving communiques from her departed dear one. There ensues an ongoing correspondence that is sometimes beautiful, sometimes haunting, sometimes comical but always fascinating. This is not an idealized portrait of two perfect protagonists. They are flawed. They are real. They are us. And they remind us with stunning clarity that what matters most are not the riches we amass or the glory we attain, but the love we create here on Earth...and beyond.

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Shalom my Love
The story of a true love 
that bridges heaven and earth
by Sunny Ariel

In Memoriam

Read Sample Chapters  
About the Author
Shalom my Love(e-book) $9.00


Two lovers pierce the veil
and communicate about love, life & beyond

by Sunny Ariel & Gadi Danzig

Cover Art by Patricia Anne Hughes

Sunny communicates directly with Gadi and reports his 'heavenly take' on everything from politics to 9-11, from suicide to spirituality. 

"Continue to hold the light and know that as more and more love permeates the Planet. so shall the vestiges of fear be eliminated. We are filled with gratitude and love for each and every one of you.  May your lives from this moment radiate only joy, magic, abundance and shalom."

Love, Gadi

Drops of Magic (e-book) $6.00

xThe background on this site is, as you probably realize, made up of Hebrew letters.  What you are seeing is a  quote from Rabbi Nachman  (1772-1810) and it translates as follows:            

The Entire Universe is One Narrow Bridge which we are all learning to cross without fear.  

And from Gadi to all of you visiting this site: 
You are all such divine beings and you are
all loved beyond measure.  Please know that
you can ask us here on the Other Side for anything your heart desires.  We are your spirit
guides and we are here for you.  Shalom means peace and peace begins within. Peace be with you.